Writers Drinking Coffee Blog

Hello everyone, and welcome to Writers Drinking Coffee. This is a blog based on writers sitting around, drinking coffee and writing about anything and everything. It’s a companion to, and extension of, the Writers Drinking Coffee Podcast.

We hope you enjoy the site.

Quill pen in a lounge chair drinking coffee

The Plant Rejects the Gardener

Every gardener kills a lot of plants. It goes with the territory. Sometimes it’s even deliberate…and it can be just the same with writing … Continue…The Plant Rejects the Gardener

Ballpoint pen in a lounge chair drinking coffee

Scary Solstice to All!

Solstices are liminal times. Whether involving death on a tree or blood on the snow, the shortest and longest days of the year are held to be the time when the veil between this world and whatever other worlds are out there is thin. Whether another dimension or beyond the veil, the cold darkness of the Winter Solstice makes it a perfect time to tell ghost stories. The sun goes down early, and everyone huddles around the fire telling stories of hope or death – or both. … Continue…Scary Solstice to All!

Pencil in a lounge chair drinking coffee

Resources for Authors: Contacting Editors

Resources for new Authors from some of the authors and visitors to the WDC site. How do you find editors and more! … Continue…Resources for Authors: Contacting Editors

Pencil in a lounge chair drinking coffee

The Next Big Thing (and Rule 34)

The publishing world has contracted, fractured, been redefined, genre shifted, and been driven by new technology all at once. Who really truly knows which way is up, or where the future trends come from? … Continue…The Next Big Thing (and Rule 34)

Pencil in a lounge chair drinking coffee

What is a cliche?

“The reason that clichés become clichés is that they are the hammers and screwdrivers in the toolbox of communication.”

― Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! … Continue…What is a cliche?

Advice from the Woods

The Ins and Outs (and Ins! and Outs!) of Writing Sex Scenes … Continue…Advice from the Woods

The Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast’s fiction series

The Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast’s fiction series is buying short stories (up to 5000 words) … Continue…The Lesbian Historic Motif Podcast’s fiction series

Quill pen in a lounge chair drinking coffee

British #NationalPoetryDay

I am reliably informed that it is the British #NationalPoetryDay. Dare we hope that Chaz Brenchley will honor us with a poem for the occasion? I think we dare! … Continue…British #NationalPoetryDay

Pencil in a lounge chair drinking coffee

Pom Pom is a Shaggy Dog

Funny, Romantic (love at first bite, devotion forever) and kinky enough to satisfy in four scenes or less … Continue…Pom Pom is a Shaggy Dog

My Newest Favorite Writer

It’s not my intent to obsess about politics here (I do that enough on my own time, thanks). Nevertheless, Tom Scocca writes a fair bit about politics … Continue…My Newest Favorite Writer