Chaz has new books out and coming soon, and we are all terribly excited about it! Chaz talks about his new collection the “Best of”, along with a new story on And then there’s the Boarding School books and Outremer and a cookbook for next Christmas. And Karen got in print, too! There’s tons to celebrate at the Brenchley house, and you’re invited to share it.
- Chaz’ website with links to all his delicious books
Mentions from Episode 118:
- Everything in All the Wrong Order
- Chaz read a story in it – Live at Maly’s – in an earlier episode
- Bill Shafer interview at Subterranean Press
- Bitter Waters won a Lambda Award
- Launch Pad for Writers
- The Station of the Twelfth
- Chaz’s Mars Imperial on Patreon
- The Astrakhan, the Homburg, and the Red Red Coal
- Cooking with Mrs. Bailey on Mars via Medium
- Wizard’s Tower Press
- Three Twins at the Crater School
- Chaz’ Outremer series
- The Folio Society
- Shadow and Bone
- Fantasy Magazine is back! Watch this space for Karen’s poem
- The Day the Saucers Came
- Karen’s story will be in Issue 2 of Parsec Magazine