Meet the talented Brenda Clough, who has been putting a new book out nearly every month in 2021! Brenda is an inspiration of constant writing, publishing, and working with Book View Cafe. Her latest work is historical thriller, with a hint of fantasy as the series progresses.
- Brenda’s websites
- Wikipedia
- Brenda blogs a lot on Bookview Cafe
- Brenda’s 2021 project:
- Victorian Thrillers (All available in eBook – the first one’s free!)
- Based on a character from Woman in White
Mentions from Episode 120:
- Indexing by Seanan McGuire
- Zoe Chant – Shifter Romances
- Titus Oates – Robert Scott’s party to find N Pole
- Sherri S Tepper
- Book View Cafe
- Deborah Ross
- George McDonald Fraser’s Flashman series
- Jeannie loves Flashman quotes
- Read the original character in – Tom Brown’s School Days
- Lord Peter Whimsey novels
- Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin
- Antonia Forest
- The Dread Pirate Roberts
- How Beer Saved the World – Anthology
- How Like a God
- Ernest Hemingway in structure