In which we cheer our own Chaz for finishing the first two books of his trilogy, find out what’s next, and acquire a taste for hearty British-Martian recipes. We discuss the idea of arcing a trilogy where there’s one plot arc vs an episodic series. Karen can finally talk about her recent publications as well. Hooray!
Mentions from Episode 138:
- Chaz’ home page
- The Patreon page, where you can read what he (and Rowany, among others) is up to!
- Out of the Debauched Sloth (Chaz’ newsletter)
- Chaz’ books on Amazon
- On Goodreads!
- Mrs. Bailey’s Marmalade recipe on Medium
- Karen’s short story “Super. Hero.” on Daily Science Fiction
- Karen’s poem “The Other Day the Saucers Came” (a reply to Neil Gaiman’s “The Day the Saucers Came“)