Jo Fletcher built a publishing house, and has recently returned to her love of finding really good authors and making them better with freelance editing. Jo talks about how to find your repetitions, your bad habits, and talks about some of her observations in trends and genres – what goes around comes around again. A good read is a good read! Jo gives new writers plenty to think about.
Mentions from Episode 164:
- The Swiss Family Robinson
- Madeleine L’Engle
- Beverly Cleary
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
- James Clavell
- James Michener
- The Godfather
- The Princess Bride
- Judy Blume
- “Romantasy” = Jeannie’s new favorite word
- Zoe Chant
- That Shapeshifting Honey Badger Thriller Romance series by Shelly Laurenston
- Molly Powell – Hodderscape
- Love Bites by Ry Herman
- Kit Whitfield – In the Heart of Hidden Things
- The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon
- Chaz’ Outremer on Wizard Tower Press
- The Hound and the Falcon trilogy by Judith Tarr