Episode 186 – Interview with Mark Roth-Whitworth

A pencil, a ball point pen, and a quill sitting in lounge chairs drinking coffee; Title: Writers Drinking Coffee

Come meet Mark Roth-Whitworth, who wrote a brilliant novel about a scientific ship from Earth in the year 2169 that is investigating a black hole, only to be caught up and flung 11,000 Years into the future. What begins then as a story of loss, the grief cycle, and readjustment, shifts into a study in what humans have become as they found their way to the stars. In 11,000 Years, Mark delves into ideas of human expansion and evolution, of rejoining a society you want to belong to while simultaneously exploring the ramifications of what that world is doing flung across multiple planets.

11,000 Years published by Novus Mundi

Mentions from Episode 186: