It’s the end of 2023, the beginning of 2024, and our intrepid hosts sit down to chat about what they learned in the first 5 seasons of WDC — what they enjoyed, the challenges, and the warnings for other podcasters. (The scam marketing! So much!) Drink with Jeannie, John, and Deirdre as they look at the last few years in retrospective, and randomly quote poetry.
- Jeannie’s homepage
- Everything John has done with WDC
- Deirdre’s recommended website host: TigerTech
Mentions from Episode 195:
- That real Dorothy Parker poem
- One Perfect Rose
- Carol Wolf’s website
- Deirdre’s sister, the author Margaret McGaffey Fisk
- Comedic POW camps
- That 1901 beer poisoning epidemic
- Jeannie likes Robbie Williams
- The King’s Speech
- What is Wuxia