Episode 207 – The Literary Memoirs of Alma Alexander

Jakkal Designs 200th Episode 2024

We have chatted with many memoirists, but this vision of the past is new and startlingly original. Alma Alexander’s newest book takes us through her life in stages via the description of the written word that impacted her so profoundly over the years. From childhood to adult, she describes the books she was reading with a glorious review, taking the reader either back to their own experience reading the author or poet, or sending them right out to the library to find a new delight.

Book cover with a grayish-green background and a pile of books on the round table. There is a caterpillar on the bottom book and a butterfly in the upper right corner.
Alchemy of the Word – Dreams and Transformations by Alma Alexander

Other Mentions:

  • “Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisioned by the enemy, don’t we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we’re partisans of liberty, then it’s our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!” ― J.R.R. Tolkien
  • “Humans need fantasy to be human. To be the place where the falling angel meets the rising ape.” ― Terry Pratchett, Hogfather
  • Ursula K. Le Guin
  • Alma’s “What the Censored is it about Cats?”
  • Alma’s local humane society for donations (Let Jeannie know if you need help googling your local humane society – they all need donations.)

Truly, read the book to find out all the new names you need to go look up and learn more about. The section on poetry alone could take all winter!

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