Are you writing a historic fantasy which contains divination or prognostication? Want to make it more historically accurate? Sandra Brenchley joins the coffee club to talk about her studies into medieval divination, soothsaying, and other prognostication devices.

(Artist unknown – if you know, let us know!)
Mentions from Episode 35:
- Sandra’s Blog
- Haruspicy
- Anthropomancy
- Prophets?
- Mother Shipton
- Nostradamus
- Neil Gaiman’s Agnes Nutter
- Tarot: Just a game?
- That Explaining the Tarot book she mentioned
- Through the Mouse Hole
- Magic 8-ball
- Palmistry
- Phrenology – Greek, according to Wikipedia
- The hidden meaning of moles
- Physiognomer – Jeannie loved this research paper on it
- Necromancy – It’s not what you think?
- The Witch of Endor
- Geomancy
- Ley line geomancy in recent text