In which our committee sits down and talks about who our favorite story villains are and why. There’s some advice in writing villains, more admonitions on what to avoid, and how to romance your audience while horrifying them at once.
Mentions from Episode 68:
Favorite baddies:
- John’s flavor of the day – Doctor Yueh
- but Tim Curry no matter who he’s playing
- Jeannie’s Favorite bad guy – Uriah Heep
- Ray’s list includes Iago
- but it’s Zuko from Avatar
- Dave questions whether it’s Moby Dick as a personification, or an obsession
- and many more!
- Mark Pantoja
- Sympathetic Villains
- Tropes to seriously avoid – really!
- What do you think of Anti-Villains?
- Forms of Power
- That sexist (why no girl pronouns?) villain checklist
- Dave uses the term “morality play” loosely. What he really means is moral ambiguity as the focus of the story
- The problem with moral a(m)biguity in fiction
- Morality Character Development
- Real morality plays were actually allegories
- Bad guys are human, no matter how depraved