Liz (Squishy) Houchin wrote in via the Writers Drinking Coffee FB page asking about muses. John and Jeannie sound off on the topic of muses they’ve seduced and left sated in their wake.
Mentions from Episode 14:
- The Muses by name
- Burning Man
- 2k to 10k: Writing Faster, Writing Better by Rachel Aaron
- George R R Martin Parody – Killer of Characters
- Katharine Kerr – Leader of the Flying Kerrs writing group
- David Korup the Drummer
- DCI (Drum Corps International)
- Anyone lived in a pretty how town – by e.e. cummings
- Muses in popular culture
- The Changing Faces of Muses
- Mulan: Rise of a Warrior
- Fu Hao: Queen and General in China
- Alma de Bretteville Spreckels
- Denise Tanaka – writer
- Women in America – history of the Women’s Rights Movement
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