Heroes, sidekicks, villains, henchmen – our coffee committee review our favorites and describe why. Can an ensemble point of view work? Who did good ensemble/different character episodes and stories?
Mentions in Episode 7:
- Where is Rukbat, really?
- Sandler & Young – Opening Number
- Lord Peter Wimsey written by Dorothy Sayers
- Victoria Goddard
- Sean O’Brien – Chaz’ favorite poet
- The Lit & Phil in Newcastle – where the Silence Room is in the basement
- The Lit & Phil Society
- Spotlight on Mark Pantoja
- Hannibal – the most beautiful TV series on film
- Bryan Fuller should do Jeannie’s Bluebird series
- Val McDermid, brilliant crime writer
- Skeen Series by Jo Clayton
- Sam Spade, detached jerk detective
- Jaran series by Kate Elliott
- Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon
- Captain Jack Harkness in Torchwood
- YA Nancy Drew books
Mole (Wind in the Willows) & Eeyore are the perfect sidekicks. (Piglet is not. John is wrong.) Samwise Gamgee is another perfect sidekick, who was briefly the hero.
Sophocles added a third actor, hence the sidekick and reducing the chorus. The first sidekick master!
- Just buy Jeeves & Wooster – trust us
- Gordianus the Finder novels were by Steven Saylor
- Giles is the sexy character from Buffy
- Lorne was the best demon from Angel
“The male version of a Mary Sue is a Marty Stu.” That’s just wrong, boys
- Tarkin by James Luceno
- Red – is a great comic book and movie
- Oh blessed Shai Hulud – there actually IS a Tarkin + My Little Pony Fanfic out there already (That’s just wrong. Go wash your hands right now. )