Jeannie and Dave invite Doug Garrett and Ray Greer into the coffeehouse to talk about how they started writing for games, writing a first novel, process, and the general crossovers of game writing to mysteries and more
Mentions from Episode 17:
Special guests L. Douglas Garrett
Doug wrote on Danger International
His novel “Remember When” on Amazon
Doug’s Blog goes over a lot of the writing process for him
“Remember When” on Goodreads
And Raymond Greer
Ray’s movie credits & IMDB Page
Ray’s day job is Flying Hands Massage: Massage where you need it, when
you need it. Jeannie and Deirdre have frequent flyer cards!
Ray wrote on the following games:
Star Corps for Crunchy Frog
Champions RPG
Shaintar Black Lantern (Origin of the Society)
Breath of Fire II Authorized Game Secrets
Other mentions:
George McDonald
Steve Peterson
Drive Thru RPG has all those affordable RPGs
That NSFW two-dogs joke