The Lost Episode – Pretend this came out on October 29! This is Jeannie and John chatting about how they get inspired to get things done, as well as keep track of what they’re writing and what resources are available.
Mentions from Episode 21:
- What is Inktober?
- Also #Inktober on Twitter
- Inktober prompts are posted by @jakeparker and @inktober
- What is NaNoWriMo?
- Red Rock Coffee
- Chromatic Coffee has a NaNoWriMo group in Cupertino
- Getting Things Done by David Allen
- Clarion Write-a-Thon
- Madeleine Robins’ Clarion pledge there – (closed, but hey, I found it)
- Kevin Sonney’s Productivity Alchemy
- T. Kingfisher (Ursula Vernon) – The Twisted Ones
- Writing Groups 101
- Steering the Craft by Ursula Le Guin
- A Concise Guide to Establishing a Writing Group (.pdf)
- Need help with your English syntax and writing? Try Grammerly
- Carrie Vaughn is awesome (Don’t send her your manuscript.)
- Jeannie’s story Of Angels, Silence & Coffee
- Here’s the movie version of the middle story in the triptych, Not the End of the World
- Duotrope is nifty for finding open calls and deadlines, agents, and more
- Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest
- Querytracker.net – Find an agent by genre, look at publishers, and more.