Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 180 – Alma Alexander re-releases WorldWeavers

Your WDC crew welcomes back Alma Alexander, who has won a great struggle with publishing rights to re-release her trilogy “WorldWeavers” with a bonus new fourth book coming out this November! WorldWeavers has all the magical youth and schooling of Certain Bestselling Books and Movies – but we like them even better! WorldWeavers posits a world where everyone knows about magic – it’s even regulated. Alma seamlessly blends American Spiritualism and gods, with fae-like creatures, magic, computers, and a scrappy bunch of young students you’ll adore. Thea is a splendid young heroine, and we think you’ll like her as much as we do. … Continue…Episode 180 – Alma Alexander re-releases WorldWeavers

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 163 – Interview with Laura Anne Gilman

Laura Anne Gilman is a delightfully prolific author with a bent for the detective story, the noir in any setting from fantasy, sci fi, historic fiction – you name it. Urban supernatural sleuths chase elusive (and sometimes equally supernatural) victims and perps alike through history and fantasy, and Laura Anne’s world building immerses the reader deep within her vision. Her latest book, Uncanny Times, is coming out shortly and we can’t wait to read it! … Continue…Episode 163 – Interview with Laura Anne Gilman

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 149 – Interview with Madeleine Holly-Rosing

Episode 149 – Interview with Madeleine Holly-Rosing
Madeleine is an author, screenwriter, and the driving creative force behind Boston Metaphysical Society comes to talk about how to write a graphic novel, run a kickstarter, create a podcast, and finish projects you start! Her Steampunk imagination has extended into novellas, novels, podcasts, and of course a graphic novel collective that spans over a decade. … Continue…Episode 149 – Interview with Madeleine Holly-Rosing

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 131 – Interview with Josh Rountree

Josh Rountree writes sci fi, fantasy, and horror short stories that excite us for the way he uses America as “a character that fights and claws and screams its way through most of my stories. Sometimes a hero and sometimes a villain. Broken but hopeful. Trying to figure things out.” Josh is a frequent choice for fantasy and horror award noms, and has a great slant on the craft of short story writing, especially in terms of evoking the feelings from music. … Continue…Episode 131 – Interview with Josh Rountree

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 129 – Alternative Steampunk with Lyndsie Clark

Lyndsie is an artist and a writer, and a frequent guest at Steampunk conventions for her subject matter and experience on the topic. Dave and Jeannie sit down with Lyndsie today to discuss Steampunk and British Colonialism, science, mad science, fantasy, and more. If you love brass goggles, brown leather boots, and thinking about alternative power sources for machinery, this is for you! … Continue…Episode 129 – Alternative Steampunk with Lyndsie Clark