Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 164 – An Interview with Jo Fletcher

Jo Fletcher built a publishing house, and has recently returned to her love of finding really good authors and making them better with freelance editing. Jo talks about how to find your repetitions, your bad habits, and talks about some of her observations in trends and genres – what goes around comes around again. A good read is a good read! Jo gives new writers plenty to think about. … Continue…Episode 164 – An Interview with Jo Fletcher

A pencil, a ball point pen, and a quill sitting in lounge chairs drinking coffee; Title: Writers Drinking Coffee

Episode 92 – Interview with Bruce Holland Rogers

Bruce helps advance the question what the term “literary” means. Is it a commercial label? Is it a publishing market category for how to put similar books together in a bookstore? Class distinction or participation is one way to look, but so is technical accomplishment. In any case, learning to write seems a noble (and spiritual) way to squander your time as well as a social network, and Bruce has been amazing over a long and fruitful career as both a writer and educator. … Continue…Episode 92 – Interview with Bruce Holland Rogers