Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 190 – Welcome Back Raven Belasco

We are delighted that the talented Raven Belasco is back with us, talking about the latest anthology that was just released: Adventures in Bodily Autonomy. Raven edited fourteen amazing stories from some of our favorite authors that flow through multiple universes, space, and time, offering new perspectives on the issue of reproductive justice. And besides paying the writers, all profits will go to non-profit Reproductive Freedom for All. She also got the rights to her Blood and Ancient Scrolls series back from her publisher, and talks about how and when a writer may need to do that. … Continue…Episode 190 – Welcome Back Raven Belasco

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 189 – Interview with PL Hayes

PL Hayes has self-published a gumshoe trilogy in the style of Stout, Hammitt, and Cross – the Odd Jobs set. We enjoyed the familiarity of chatting with an old friend about his path from writing games and LARP adventures into modern crime dramas. You’ll like Cameron, and if you’re like us you’ll wonder about where he met up with his companions before the writing started. Paul draws pictures of Colorado mountain towns with a heart full of love, and it shows in his words. … Continue…Episode 189 – Interview with PL Hayes

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 188 – Interview with William Klem

William is a new novelist, with his first novel ever self-published on Amazon. It’s about a man’s immortal journey through history from the Black Death to the present (give or take). Magglio Cervantes is an interesting sort of protagonist, who goes from being a leaf on time’s river that drifts from eddy to whirlpool into coming to terms with his endless existence and learns how to reconnect with humanity. … Continue…Episode 188 – Interview with William Klem

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 186 – Interview with Mark Roth-Whitworth

Come meet Mark Roth-Whitworth, who wrote a brilliant novel about a scientific ship from Earth in the year 2169 that is investigating a black hole, only to be caught up and flung 11,000 Years into the future. What begins then as a story of loss, the grief cycle, and readjustment, shifts into a study in what humans have become as they found their way to the stars. In 11,000 Years, Mark delves into ideas of human expansion and evolution, of rejoining a society you want to belong to while simultaneously exploring the ramifications of what that world is doing flung across multiple planets. … Continue…Episode 186 – Interview with Mark Roth-Whitworth

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 183 – Journey Back to Liadon

We welcome back Sharon Lee and Steve Miller to talk about their 25th Liadon book – Salvage Right, from Baen Books. They tell us about the space station that straddles two realities, as we debate where the cats might come in and own the place. There’s also an in-depth discussion of the dinkus and the telling detail, so you can learn something new! … Continue…Episode 183 – Journey Back to Liadon

Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 181-Interview with David Gerrold

In which the WDC crew geeks out with joy at the presence of David Gerrold, writer of the silver screen and television, novels, short stories, and limericks – and teacher of writing to others. David talks to us about science fiction in the early days, the trend toward social justice awareness and addressing current problems in new ways. From Sleestacks and Tribbles to the strike lines of WGA and SAG-Aftra, David walks us through how Hollywood has changed, and where it needs to go so that everyone involved in the industry can live long and prosper. … Continue…Episode 181-Interview with David Gerrold