Purple background with 100 Writers Drinking Coffee with a pencil in the 1, a fountain pen in the first 0, and a quill in the second 0

Episode 127 – Interview with Aliette de Bodard

Aliette joins us from Paris, France to talk about her writing, perceptions of science and world building, and the myth and power of storytelling. As a child of French and Vietnamese descent, she grew up with influences from both worlds and uses her strong multicultural awareness in her writing. She talks to us of liminal spaces, the unspoken area between multiple cultures, as well as diasporas and other themes in her writing. … Continue…Episode 127 – Interview with Aliette de Bodard

A pencil, a ball point pen, and a quill sitting in lounge chairs drinking coffee; Title: Writers Drinking Coffee

Episode 99 – Notes and Notebooks

What’s in your notebook? The WDC crew all keep a little notebook of some fashion – although there’s discussion over moleskine, spiral notebooks, electronic Notes. Having a notebook in hand or in easy reach can help keep those nifty ideas from flitting back out of your brain by trapping them in ink or electrons. And then there’s refining the idea… … Continue…Episode 99 – Notes and Notebooks